Home Gist 8-year-old becomes world’s youngest professional ‘Fortnite’ Player & receives £23k Bonus

8-year-old becomes world’s youngest professional ‘Fortnite’ Player & receives £23k Bonus

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8-year-old becomes world’s youngest professional ‘Fortnite’ Player & receives £23k Bonus

8-year-old becomes world’s youngest professional ‘Fortnite’ Player & receives £23k Bonus

An eight-year-old boy is now the world’s youngest professional Fortnite player – bagging a mega $33,000 (£23,600) as a signing-on bonus.

Better known by his gaming handle ‘Gosu’, Joseph Deen of California has been playing the cross-platform game since he was just four years of age! After two and a half years of gameplay, Joseph came to the knowledge of eSports scouts.

Having now been snapped up by California-based gaming team ‘Team 33’, the young gamer has said “It’s a dream come true!”. He was given $33,000 just for signing up as well as a high-end gaming PC.

Joseph initially signed up to the team in December, catching the eye of Team 33 scouts. The team then offered Deen the chance to participate in daily training.

Team 33’s Cheif Executive, Tyler Gallagher, has since told the BBC: “One of my scouts got in touch and said, ‘I’ve got to know this kid called Joseph and he is insanely good’”.

Joseph now sits in the ranks amongst many other extraordinarily good gamers, and in the future he hopes to earn big money in upcoming Fortnite tournaments!

As the rise of eSports continues to dominate around the world, it is likely we will see many more young gamers spark an interest in the world of professional gaming.

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