Home Gist Indonesian footage captures monkey attempting to kidnap a child

Indonesian footage captures monkey attempting to kidnap a child

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Indonesian footage captures monkey on a miniature bike attempting to kidnap a child

footage out of Indonesia has emerged online that shows a monkey appearing to attempt to k i d n a p a small child … whilst riding a miniature motorcycle.

Unbelievably the video shows a monkey riding a tiny bike down an alleyway before launching off the comically-sized vehicle and pulling a toddler from a bench.

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The young girl tumbles from the seating before the monkey comes back for more, dragging her face down by her cardigan along with the cobbled paving.

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Those next to her shy away from the angry primate but seem nonplussed as the youngster is sent sprawling and is heaved across the ground.

Fortunately, the girl emerges on her feet unscathed before returning to her friends.

The video emerged on Twitter late last night with the Indonesian wording alongside the video roughly translated as “This must be the noisy monkey at school.”

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