Home Gist Nurses and Midwives Association hunts for ‘nurse’ in twerking video

Nurses and Midwives Association hunts for ‘nurse’ in twerking video

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Nurses and Midwives Association hunts for ‘nurse’ in twerking video

Nurses and Midwives Association hunts for ‘nurse’ in twerking video

The Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association has instructed all District and Regional Executives to search for the ‘nurse’ twerking in a viral video.

Although the Association has condemned the act, it is unclear whether the lady in the video is a nurse or someone purporting to be one.

In a statement, the Association strongly disapproved of “such capers by Nurses and Midwives and regards the twerking in a professional uniform as unacceptable conduct and a disgrace to our noble profession.”

They also advised all nurses and midwives in the country to desist from “such unacceptable behaviour especially when in uniform in order to protect the dignity of the profession.”


The Ghana Registered Nurses’ and Midwives’ Association (GRNMA), formerly Ghana Registered Nurses’ Association (GRNA) is a Professional Association for all categories of Nurses in Ghana.

The Association was founded in March 1960 as a result of a merger of two professional nursing Associations the Qualified Nurses Association headed by Mr Mettle-Nunoo and the State Registered Nurses Association led by Dr Docial Kisseih with the mission to provide a central organization that would advance the interest of the nursing profession in Ghana and internationally.

The purpose of the merger was the need for Ghana to present on Nursing/Midwifery Association to represent the country at the International Council of Nurses.

As a result of the merger, Dr Docia Kisseih became the first president and Mr Mettle Nunoo became the first general secretary. It is a Professional Association independent and non-partisan in nature. The GRNMA is the exclusive mouthpiece for all nurses in matters affecting them.

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